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The hidden influence or Nuclear Hexagram of (64) Before Completion is (43) Determination or Breakthrough. Change is not linear it is usually circular. For example (31) Wooing with line 2 changing would become (28) Critical Mass. For example, (64) Before Completion, line 3 changing to become (50) Cauldron would suggest that a situation requiring patience to ‘simmer in the pot’ (50) to define itself more completely is meeting your current mindset that it should be reaching completion already. 44 32 48 18 46 57 50 28 . Line 1 associates with (25) Innocence so we open our perspective. By examining all possible ancient and modern correlations we strive to bring you the most comprehensive free I Ching reading available online. To get the most out of the I Ching oracle, approach it with an open mind and a respect for the process. The side with the two symbols associated with the Phoenix and Dragon are Yang with a value of 3. If both lines change it leads to (17) Following. If we are stuck, an innocent outlook and networking incorporates the needs or vision of others in a way that others follow. 25 51 3 27 24 42 21 17 . In (12) Standstill we get stuck. Think of the answer as a koan or riddle – this is not an oracle with random messages to be rushed through. Line 6 associates with (45) Gathering Together or networking. .. No lines are changing: Read the unchanging interpretation for that Hexagram. 4bc16de163

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